The College Readiness Programming Dilemma
Are there right and wrong advanced academic courses to take in high school to prepare for college? More specifically, which college readiness program is more effective for a high school student, dual credit or Advanced Placement (AP). In my district, not unlike many others across the state of Texas, we have been actively striving to expand our college readiness initiatives and programs. Upon reflection, one aspect of these effort poses a dilemma, as defined by Cuban (2001), that many K-12 school systems may face - the need to expand dual credit program; the potential issue of diluting our successful Advanced Placement (AP) program and a need for more effective academic advisement to properly inform students and parents about the benefits and limitations of both college readiness programs. The positive impacts of AP programming have been well documented in the literature, while the limited research related to dual credit highlights both its benefits and limitations. Although I am aware of the evidence of both AP and dual credit programming fostering college readiness in students, I find myself facing overwhelming pressure from the district administration, parents, and other community stakeholders to place more emphasis on dual credit.
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